New Year: New You or Same You?


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From Sobriety To Recovery: An Addiction Recovery Podcast


Ep #147 - The New Year is upon us. I've been talking about this since December 1st and it is here. We have reached the half way point of our baton passing cycle and it is time to really buckle up and get the momentum of 2022 going. There are infinite ways to achieve sobriety and journey into addiction recovery - I have made that clear since episode one. How are you seeking your highest self? How are you solidifying your changes into unconsciously habituated behaviors? How have you been embracing the topics on this show and integrating them into your life? Take time this weekend to really love yourself for being in this community and for seeking a better way of life for yourself. All to often people don't take inventory of their accomplishments and I think it time we do this as a collective.   Just hit play and let's dive in with our open minds, hearts, and energies bringing everyone into the fold - you are in the right place, at the right time...right now. Stand up, step forward, raise your hand - it's your turn, I will call on you. ******************************************** Thank you so much for listening and being a part of my tribe and this wonderfully supportive community. Here's to the ending of the stigma. No longer are we living in the shadows! Also, please subscribe, rate, and review the show to help us spread the word about this awesome free content. Your simple action of rating and reviewing does wonders in helping others find the show. If you listen on iTunes I could really use the bump in their algorithm! If you have questions you'd like addressed on the show, want to book me to speak at an event, or want to recommend or be a guest on this show, please contact me through any of the social media links below or via email. I am generally open to being on your show too so reach out and let's pod-swap :) Feel free to contact me here for any other reason as well: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Email: