Offer Stacking, What Is It?


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The Teresa Harding Podcast


What exactly is offer stacking? Offer stacking occurs when people combine deals or rewards in a way that isn't intended by either the manufacturer or the merchant who issued the coupon. With new forms of payment, loyalty programs, and location-based deals proliferating among consumers, so is the potential for offer stacking. And, as is the case with any new technology, people will always try to push the limits of the system to extract as much value as possible, which can lead to detrimental consequences for merchants and payments providers alike. But while it is inevitable — and in fact desirable — for consumers to continue adopting mobile payments, offer stacking can be combated if you know what to look for and how to respond. Merchant Warehouse has been studying offer stacking closely over the last year, since the introduction of their newest technology platform, Genius. They have identified the primary types of offer stacking that merchants and processors are most likely to see out of the gate.   ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO TERESA’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW ★☆★ Teresa Harding   ★☆★ WANT TO EXPONENTIALLY INCREASE BUSINESS SUCCESS ★☆★ Check out the link below to get access to Teresa’s tested and tried business program, the Content Creation Challenge. Join our awesome community with others in their march to business success by clicking HERE!   OR   Book a free call with me!   You can also join the Rulebreakers community and talk to more fellow entrepreneurs and business owners    ★☆★ CONNECT WITH TERESA ON SOCIAL MEDIA ★☆★   Podcast: The Teresa Harding Podcast Instagram: @teresahardingofficial   Do you want to upscale your business, accomplish your dreams, and win back your freedom all at the same time?    How to create 100 pieces of content in 7 days.​