Pay Attention to Your Intention: Synchronicity of Thoughts and Actions


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Spoken Word Yoga


THINKING OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO IMPACTED YOUR LIFE with the unconditional love, support, and compassion they have given to you should convince you of how powerful your impact is on the people you touch. HONOR YOUR IMPACT. Acknowledge your gifts and brag about your Self, to your Self. YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCES ARE VALUABLE. Your perspective is valuable, and your emotions are your connection to the world around you. GRATITUDE MAKES US AWARE OF THE TOOLS WE ALREADY HAVE and the abilities that we already possess. When we think of the people who have influenced our life, we express gratitude.FINDING GRATITUDE IN THIS BREATH IS ALWAYS POSSIBLE.THE YOUNG MOVE FAST, BUT THE ELDERS KNOW THE WAY.TIME IS ACCESS TO EVERYTHING. We need to be present, patient, and prepared so that when the opportunity presents itself, we are ready.My intention is to give you mind-shifting strategies that make you feel like your mind is a Zen escape room— a mental sanctuary— so that when things get challenging in the world, you always have a safe space to go, even if it’s just one breath at a time. JOIN the Spoken Word Yoga Community.  Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates for new offerings. FOLLOW @spokenwordyoga on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok for Positive Affirmations and information on yoga retreats and global events to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.SUBSCRIBE to Spoken Word Yoga YouTube channel and stream the ZEN DEN SANCTUARY episodes—new episodes every Tuesday, 6:30pm EDT. Bring your favorite candle and a positive intention and be prepared to soothe your soul as we enjoy a mindful escape in the Zen Den Sanctuary. No physical Yoga, simply Zen relaxation with our deeply connected community sharing space together virtually.