Pour From a Full Cup: Self Care as Preparation for Service


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Spoken Word Yoga


1. As time passes, we experience more. Our perspective of the world expands.2. The more we see, the more we are exposed to, the more likely we are to feel the ups and downs. Our work is not to fall down in the downturn and not to float to high when circumstances shift because the balance in the middle is truly the best perspective from which to take it all in.3. The only option is to replenish and rejuvenate and keep creating. When you are energetically depleted and emotionally drained, replenish  the well, fill the glass. POUR FROM A FULL CUP.4. If someone asked you to relive that painful or difficult circumstance, you would be hesitant.  Realize the benefit and what you learned from each experience.5. You would not want to repeat the circumstance, but you were grateful for the lesson. How would you learn the lesson without the experience that prepared you to learn from it?6. We all have experienced the struggles that gave us the tools to work through whatever in our space today.7. Every experience is training to improve and practice to perfect it, but we all have the ability right now to contribute by offering our knowledge and experience in a valuable way to others.8. Think about areas that might have been the most painful, but those lessons gave you the strength to work through anything else that came your way since then. The knowledge that you can persevere through that means that what is to come becomes easier.9. If you have ever said something hurtful and felt bad later, it took your experience to improve the way you show up in relationships. Maybe you learned to be a better listener or communicator by examining past relationships and improving the way you show up in this one.10. Think of all the experiences that have changed the course and direction of your life and then consider what might have happened without those challenges—the lessons might never be learned, and you would have missed out on significant experiences that impacted you and the people you touch.11. This alone should convince you of your potential and how powerful one challenge can be in changing the impact you have on the world…12. EMBRACE THE CHALLENGE AND LOOK FOR THE LESSON. This is the instant way to fill your cup.Mindfulness Assignment for the Week:First thing in the morning…Take 4 deep breaths. With each inhale become present about what you are aware of in this breath. Take each breath in slowly, with a 4 second count in, 4 second hold, 4 second exhale and 4 second hold and repeat 4 times.What are 2 challenges that I might face today and how can I prepare myself to learn from them?Recognizing what might be challenging and preparing a strategy to evolve out of that challenging circumstance makes you feel more prepared for anything that comes your way. As you are more open to the lessons, it is easier to use your insights and talents to improve how you handle situations.My intention is to give you mind-shifting strategies that make you feel like your mind is a Zen escape room— a mental sanctuary— so that when things get challenging in the world, you always have a safe space to go, even if it’s just one breath at a time. The visualization and breathing techniques here will help you change your emotional state when life feels stressful and allow you to respond more to the circumstances in life rather than react to them. This connection that we make together has the power to change things. I'm setting the intention that this becomes a global energy. I've been working on a global movement for self-improvement, and I hope to inspire and empower you to do the same.---FEEL INSPIRED with 5 minutes of Mindful Moments everyday to turn your dreams into reality!  The 365 Mindful Moments Journal is an interactive daily journaling practice offering one inspiring intention every day to take the guessing game out of your journal practice. The daily affirmations encourage you to set meaningful intentions with every entry that will change your entire life. Get  yours now! ✨SUBSCRIBE to Spoken Word Yoga YouTube channel and stream the ZEN DEN SANCTUARY episodes. New episodes every Tuesday, 6:30pm EDT. Bring your favorite candle and a positive intention and be prepared to soothe your soul as we enjoy a mindful escape in the Zen Den Sanctuary. No physical Yoga, simply Zen relaxation with our deeply connected community sharing space together virtually.JOIN the Spoken Word Yoga Community.  Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates for new offerings. FOLLOW @spokenwordyoga on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok for Positive Affirmations and information on yoga retreats and global events to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.