Removing Toxins with Dr Marcela Popa


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My Wellness Pie


Dr Marcela Popa is a Board Certified Internal Medicine physician. After sixteen years in private practice, her autoimmune conditions forced her into early retirement. As a physician, she was compelled her to look for answers and began to analyze and research her suspicion that certain chemicals present in everyday products were worsening her symptoms Dr Popa draws from her 16 years as a physician and her own experience as a patient suffering from autoimmune arthritis, breast abnormalities, and migraine headaches to raise awareness of the harmful effects that common household product s and substances may have on our health. Through her experience, she figured out these generally recognized as safe (GRAS) substances are not necessarily safe, inert, or inactive and our chronic but constant exposure, even at low doses, can have an as yet unidentified or not fully accepted impact on our health. She joins me to talk about the most common substances are and how they make their way into our homes and on our bodies, how such substances and toxins are actually affecting us, What we can be doing to rid ourselves of them, what governments are (or aren't doing) to control exposure to such toxins and much more. My chat with Dr Popa challenges the notion generally recognised as “safe” products. Many of us don’t realize that common foods, medications, and ordinary household items that we use multiple times a day contain unhealthy ingredients, that even at low doses can cause detrimental health problems. For full episode links and resources head to