S1 E7 Building a loyal business community and personal branding.


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Slight Work Daily Podcast


Posting products for marketing is one thing but can you build a community around your brand? Akanundrum highlights all the qualities that have helped her build a loyal following. She lets us in on how she was able to gain other business owners trust while rolling out "Fits By Design", a fashion and cosmetology booking app. Being a solution based resource for small business owners she explains how the booking app will cut through a lot of the frills, while connecting consumers to businesses in their area. If you've ever wondered what your business community is missing listen in! As she explains the marketing game has changed and your ability to confidently infuse your beliefs, values and personality into your strategy is key. We learn how Akanundrum does all this and more!Listen! Like! Share! Thanks for tuning in to Slight Work!