S5E65 – Planes, Brains And Automobiles


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Faces And Aces: Las Vegas

Society & Culture

August 22, 2019 – The Vegas adventure begins when you decide to book a trip. This episode we explore a few of the things that happen before you set foot on the strip. Rapper J-Boog shares a story about hitchhiking to Vegas from Mississippi, Travel Fanboy Adam Bauer joins me for a travel points and credit card 101, and Christine Crews from McCarran International Airport gives us a behind the scenes look at one of the busiest airports in the country. FnA Minute Jeff Does Vegas Episode 30 Vegas Confessions J-Boog’s new album Convictions is available here and you can listen to some of his older tracks here. twitter: @officialb00g Adam Bauer – Travel Fanboy / instagram: @bauerpauerhauer /twitter: @travelfanboy Credit Cards for Casino Enthusiasts McCarran International Airport – website / twitter:@LASairport You can find us on twitter and instagram @facesandaceslv