Stress leads to frustration which leads to anxiety


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Just Breathe


Tune in for the next episode of Just Breathe, where Nancy sits down for a heart to heart on how stress leads to frustration which then leads to anxiety- in a vicious circle she's all but too familiar with. Explore the road to reducing stress and designing the life you intend to live. Inspiring and informative- this is another episode you won't want to miss. Just Breathe  A  modern twist to turning your stress, frustration, and anxiety into passion, purpose and power, so you can choose to live a happy life!  Just Breathe is for you if…You’ve struggled to find your happy place inside the life you built? You’ve ever felt alone in a room full of people?  You’ve ever forced yourself to wear that fake smile to mask the sadness, guilt or shame in not being enough? Hi I’m Nancy Griffin, Founder of the Just Breathe Philosophy, Author, Real Estate Investor, Tech Mogul, Business Builder and  Former Corporate Executive turned Entrepreneur. I teach people and organizations my three tiered approach to generating success in any industry, personally and professionally!   Connect with me and download my free strategy planner over at FB Instagram