Trek TV Episode 196 - Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E01 - "Redemption: Part 2"


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#196 In this episode of Trek TV we discuss Star Trek: The Next Generation S05E01 - "Redemption: Part 2". Hosted by Tracy and Vaughn. Guest starring Derek & Jared. Watch out, because Season 5 is coming in hot with Redemption Part 2: Redempt Harder! Well, except that Worf pretty much had his redemption rather anti-climatically redeemed in part 1... but that hasn't stopped them from packing this episode chock-full of action, intrigue, civil wars, exciting new revelations in the life of inescapable misery that was Tasha Yar's, Worf's ever-growing disenchantment with the reality of Klingon society, boob windows, and much more! Probably too much, honestly, and yet also not enough (Worf, arguably; boob windows, definitely)? So of course, we have no choice but to step up with an episode equally overstuffed with discussions of android microaggressions, chainsaw fights, misleadingly-shaped dog treats, interminable impressions of "Batman" singing "Dayman" for no reason possibly fathomable in any rational universe, and of course, the exciting contest details and minor Reservoir Dogs spoilers you've come to always expect from your friends here at Trek TV! In conclusion: we hope you enjoy this double-wide episode, because honestly there's no way we have many more chances at redemption left at this point and we don't have another podcast fleet to go crawling back to with our tail between our legs when this all inevitably goes to hell. Visit our website for fan art, news and more!