Van Der Valk


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Fish At The Wheel


It is not only Germany where The Fish Brothers have wreaked havoc. Here Martin Fish remembers what he can of expeditions into Holland and Belgium, his memory of events clouded by strange accents and large quantities of weed. As the band struggles to consume giant bags of grass, even Attila the Stockbroker falls under the influence when The Fish get totally smoked. A disappointing visit to the Manneken Pis in Brussels is vastly improved by a tour of the Stella factory, but the band get lost on their return to Holland. They are saved by the heroism of Van Der Valk, a passing local, who guides them through the “shitty ring” -- and so, in a Fish At The Wheel first, Martin performs a live tribute to the band’s Patron Saint of Clogland.Click to play: Van Der Valk