VISUALIZATION: Transformation-creating listening skills (Exercise 2 of 5)


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Play Create Forward Podcast


Our email yesterday had some formatting issues, apologies for that. Maybe that was a happy accident though... our communication didn't come thru as well as it could have because communication is so much more than just words. It's how they are formatted, the tone of them and everything else they are surrounded with. That's our focus for Day 2. Listening from all the places we hear from, not just our ears. Imagine if we all approached our listening a bit more like this puppy... ears open, eyes and body language intently focused on the person or people communicating with us, heart open to receive, no preconceived notions, mouth closed. What might we hear, what might we understand that we didn't before? How might this way of listening shift our ability to understand? And how might this way of listening also help others understand us better? Using our voice is incredibly important and we'll do a whole adventure on that too... it's much easier to be heard by others, however, when they know we do everything in our power to listen to them, to understand them.  If you haven't listened to Day 1 yet, we highly recommend you do that first. These will all be around 10 minutes, short and sweet, but powerful. We are always looking to create conversations and explore together, so PLEASE ;-) be sure to share your experiences with us via Facebook or Instagram. Tell us what’s working for you, what’s not. What aha’s come up. Let’s explore this together and all listen and learn from each other.