VISUALIZATION: Transformation-creating Listening Skills (Exercise 4 of 5)


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It's Day 4... let's dive deep into that filter that most gets in our way when we are listening. We tend to listen THRU the lens of ourselves. It's hard not to. And yet, that is often the very thing that gets in the way of listening well. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote one of my first life-changing books called the Four Agreements. One of those four agreements is "Don't Take Anything Personally." Today, we explore how we can let go of our own egos so we can listen to others well. I didn't know this was where Day 4 was going to go, I'm really glad it has though. This is good stuff! I also invite you to keep an eye out for tomorrow's final exploration because this is where we bring all of this full circle. When, where and how we listen lives in context and contexts change dramatically - sometimes overnight in global ways as we are witnessing first hand. Listening in context has the profound ability to transform our understanding and experience of the world and people around us, as well as our understanding of and experience within ourselves.