Your Life is Your Masterpiece


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You're Not The Boss Of Me!


The change in seasons is a great time for other changes and for shifting our perspective.Being very transparent with you all, I am in the middle of a pretty big shift.One that is allowing me to feel more aligned with my values and true self, as well as with the direction of my business -- and this podcast.SO, I HAVE TO WARN YOU . . .This podcast won’t feel or sound like the others I have shared. Don’t get me wrong, I know that I’ve brought you valuable content that was authentic and that aligned with where I thought I was headed.But that’s the beautiful thing about living life with an open mind and a heart that is wide open.Things shift, and, as they do, sometimes you realize that, while what you were doing was GOOD, now it’s time to shift to something GREAT!I’ll explain in more detail in today’s podcast.As you listen to episode 115, I want you to think of yourself and this life you’re living as a MASTERPIECE...not a work in progress! When painting the masterpiece that is your life, YOU ARE THE ARTIST. You are the one in control of the brush, the colors, the’s all up to you!As you step back and admire this masterpiece, realize that that brush is still in your hand!And I want to ask: Are you painting what YOU feel LED to paint, or are you painting your masterpiece as OTHERS EXPECT it to look?This got me thinking about my own canvas, my own masterpiece. And I have a few other things that I’d like to share as my journey continues to shift.