You're Not The Boss Of Me!

Listens: 188


I made the choice that I wanted to build my own business, build it my way and not have someone tell me what I was worth, when I needed to work or how much vacation time I was “allowed” a year. Going through the motions and collecting a paycheck is pretty easy. But building a business on YOUR terms, making money YOUR way? Now that is freaking awesome! And I’ve been able to earn multiple 7 figures and I didn’t start with a big social media following or even a clue as to how to build an online business. I seriously started my business by putting 100 sticky notes on my wall. Using my “sticky note” method, I took some serious action and earned over a million dollars. The lessons, the strategies and the game plan (And the badass mentors) are all being shared with you in this podcast. We are digging deep, going behind the scenes and showing you how to make it all happen.

Your Life is Your Masterpiece

The change in seasons is a great time for other changes and for shifting our perspective.Being very transparent with you all, I am in the middle of a ...
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