Just Vocabulary | ESL Podcast for learning SAT and GRE vocabulary

Listens: 169


Just Vocabulary is a daily 5 minute (audio) podcast aimed at growing your English vocabulary. The JustVocabulary podcast is a daily ESL (English as a Second Language) podcast for learners at an intermediate to advanced level from all around the world. The 5-minute audio podcast is aimed at growing your English vocabulary, and it focusses on SAT and GRE vocabulary. . The goal is to improve and increase your English vocabulary, and help you with English tests like GRE, SAT, TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS. To enhance your learning, you can also access our vocabulary flashcard modules. The English language has a very large vocabulary and the goal of the podcast is to share with the listener the English words that I found whilst reading, listening audiobooks, watching movies, etc. Podcast website – https://justvocabulary.com

JV786 (consign and encapsulate)

consign (verb) Definition: 1. to give someone something for care and safekeeping; 2. to get rid of something; 3. to commit or assign to something, esp...
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JV785 (antipathy and impregnable)

antipathy (noun) Definition: 1. strongly negative feeling toward something or somebody; 2. the object of negative feelings or hostility and something ...
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JV784 (exert and adulterate)

exert (verb) Definition:  1. to apply influence, power, or authority in order to effect situation; 2. to make a great physical or mental effort Exampl...
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JV783 (sojourn and delusion)

sojourn (noun, verb) Definition: (n.) a short or temporary visit; (v.) to stay for a short time Example Sentences: – We took a five-day sojourn to Mex...
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JV782 (gumption and savvy)

gumption (noun) Definition: 1. good common sense and practical judgment; 2. the courage and determination to take action Example Sentences: – You have...
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JV781 (reciprocity and amplify)

reciprocity (noun) Definition:  1. mutual exchange of favors; 2. a relationship characterized by mutual dependency or actions Example Sentences: – It ...
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JV780 (disposition and amicable)

disposition (noun) Definition: 1. personality or temperament, including a person’s typical mood and attitude; 2. a natural tendency; 3. arrangement, o...
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JV779 (besmirch and illusive)

besmirch (verb) Definition: 1. to sully or damage someone’s name or reputation; 2. to soil, smear, or make something dirty Example Sentences: – Politi...
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JV777 (disingenuous and decimate)

disingenuous (adjective) Definition: 1. failing to reveal the full story or whole truth; 2. appearing sincere, but actually being false and insincere ...
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