Not in Print: playwrights off script - on inspiration, process and theatre itself

Listens: 13


Currency Press believes in theatre that raises more questions than answers, so we’re talking to Australian playwrights about their work, getting insights straight from the source

'Counting and Cracking': in conversation with S. Shakthidharan

‘In Tamil we don’t say goodbye. Only, I will go and come back.’‘நாங்கள் விடைபெறேக்க, ‘போயிட்டு வாறன்’ எண்டு மட்டும் தான் தமிழில சொல்லுறனாங்கள்.’ In th...
Show notes

A Town Named War Boy

"We hit Cairo like a train!... Every dirty little alley, every dusty back room bar. The pyramids are marvellous, but I could spend the rest of my days...
Show notes