16 Tips On How to Increase Podcast Listeners: The Ultimate Guide

16 Tips On How to Increase Podcast Listeners: The Ultimate Guide

So, you’ve got a podcast—awesome! But how to increase podcast listeners? Sometimes podcasting can feel like a black box, with no way to understand how to increase your listeners. Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Whether you’re just starting a podcast or looking to grow the audience of your existing podcast, we’ve got a whopping 16 tips to help you attract more listeners. With more listeners you can get sponsors on board, sell exclusive content, and finally monetize your podcast. So getting more listeners is crucial for podcasters of all sizes.

You can pick and choose the ones that you think will work for your podcast. It’s all about finding the things that work for you. So, let’s dive in!

Stick to a Schedule

Consistency is key. Think of your podcast like your favorite TV show—you always know when the next episode drops, right? Your listeners should, too! Pick a schedule and stick to it. Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, just make sure you’re consistent.

Publish Your Podcast Everywhere

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Distribute your podcast to as many platforms as possible—Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and beyond. The more places your podcast lives, the more chances people have to find it, and the more listeners you can get.

Hubhopper hosted podcasts get the advantage of reaching a diverse audience. With us, you can not only publish your podcast to global platforms like Apple podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon Music, but also to platforms like Gaana and JioSaavn where there are plenty of listeners but not many podcasts. Getting on as many platforms as possible is key to getting more listeners, so try Hubhopper if you haven’t already.

Understand Your Audience

A crucial puzzle piece to how to increase podcast listeners depends on who’s tuning in? Get to know your listeners. Understanding their interests, pain points, and preferences helps you create content they can’t resist. Plus, it makes it easier to market your show. The better you know your audience, the better you can serve them.

Keep Improving

No one’s perfect, and your podcast doesn’t have to be either. But striving for improvement? That’s where the magic happens. Listen to feedback, experiment with new formats, and always be on the lookout for ways to up your game.

PRO TIP: A solid way of tracking if your content is working or not is to keep an eye on your Analytics. If your podcast is hosted on Hubhopper, we give you a comprehensive look at your analytics to help you create better content and thus reach your target audience.

Add Video to Your Podcast

Why not give your listeners something to watch? Adding video to your podcast can make it more engaging and accessible. Platforms like YouTube are perfect for reaching a broader audience. Plus, video content is super shareable!

Host Contests for Reviews

Who doesn’t love a good contest? Encourage your listeners to leave reviews by offering prizes. It’s a win-win—you get more reviews (which can boost your rankings), your audience gets the chance to win something cool, and you deepen your relationship with your audience.

Create a Podcast Trailer

A podcast trailer is like a movie preview—it teases what your show is about and hooks potential listeners. Keep it short, snappy, and intriguing. And don’t forget to share it everywhere! It will draw your target audience and your awesome content will keep them coming back.

Use effective CTAs 

Want your audience to take action? Just ask! Use clear, compelling calls to action (CTAs) in your episodes. Whether it’s asking for reviews, ratings, or shares, a simple request can go a long way. If your listeners love your content, just simply asking them to share it with their friends can compel them to do that! 

Optimize Your Podcast for SEO

SEO isn’t just for blogs, it can also be the answer to how to increase podcast listeners. By optimizing your podcast titles, descriptions, and show notes with relevant keywords, you can make it easier for people to find your show. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for new listeners. 

A quick tip on executing this is to find keywords that are relevant to your niche and incorporating them into your titles, show notes, and descriptions. Whenever someone searches for this keyword, there is a higher chance of your podcast showing up.

Get Involved in Your Niche Community

There’s a community for everything—find yours! Whether it’s on social media, forums (Reddit and Quora), or niche websites, being active in these spaces can help you connect with potential listeners. Plus, it’s a great way to stay on top of trends and topics that matter to your audience.

Submit Your Podcast to Databases

Get your podcast listed in directories and databases. Think of these as the Yellow Pages for podcasts—being listed makes it easier for people to discover your show when they’re searching for something new. Some examples of these are Podcast index and Listen Notes.

Promote on Social Media

Social media is your best friend when it comes to promoting your podcast and busting the mystery around how to increase podcast listeners. Share episode highlights, behind-the-scenes content, and teasers to get your followers excited. And don’t forget to engage with your audience—conversation builds community!

To make this easy, you can get transcripts of your episode and even generate social media captions. 

Start a Newsletter

A newsletter is a great way to keep your listeners in the loop. Share updates, exclusive content, and even sneak peeks of upcoming episodes. Plus, newsletters are not dictated by the algorithm changes of various social media platforms. Your list is your direct line to your most dedicated fans. Start building it. Simply by placing a subscription page in your podcast and episodes descriptions, social media pages, and niche communities you can start collecting emails.

Build a Community with Your Listeners

Building a community around your podcast can turn casual listeners into loyal fans. Whether it’s through a Facebook group, Discord server, or even just a hashtag, creating a space for your listeners to connect with you—and each other—can make your podcast feel like a home.

Collaborate with Other Podcasters

Two voices are better than one! Collaborating with other podcasters can help you reach new audiences and bring fresh perspectives to your show. It’s also a great way to network within the podcasting community.

Be a Guest on Other Podcasts

Being a guest on another podcast is a fantastic way to introduce yourself to a new audience. Share your expertise, tell your story, and invite listeners to check out your own show. It’s like cross-promotion magic!


Growing your podcast audience takes time, effort, and a little bit of creativity. But with these tips in your toolbox, you’re well on your way to attracting more listeners and building a community of loyal fans. Keep creating, keep sharing, and most importantly, keep having fun with it!


How do I get 1000 listeners for my podcast?
Start by being consistent, promoting your podcast on social media, and joining communities where your target audience hangs out. Over time, your listener base will grow.

How to reach more listeners on a podcast?
Expand your reach by distributing your podcast across multiple platforms, optimizing for SEO, and actively engaging with your audience.

How to make your podcast go viral?
Create shareable content, collaborate with influencers or other podcasters, and leverage social media to get your podcast in front of as many people as possible.

How to increase Spotify podcast listeners?
Promote your podcast within the Spotify app, encourage listeners to follow your show, and make sure your episodes are optimized with the right tags and keywords.

How do I rank my podcast?
Encourage reviews and ratings, optimize your podcast for SEO, and consistently publish high-quality content. Rankings will follow as your listener base grows.

About Hubhopper

Hubhopper is Asia’s top podcast hosting platform, designed to help you grow and monetize your podcast. Our extensive distribution network boosts your reach, while our powerful tools enhance your podcasting experience:

  • Embedded Players: Integrate seamlessly into websites and blogs.
  • Custom Microsite: Create a dedicated online presence.
  • AI-Generated Titles, Show Notes, and Transcripts: Save time and enhance accessibility.
  • Social Media Captions and Headliner Integration: Boost your marketing efforts with engaging content.

Monetize with Private Podcasts and Dynamic Audio Insertion and take your podcast to new heights with Hubhopper.

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