5 Unique Podcast Outline Templates and Tips

5 Unique podcast templates and tips

Ever zoned out listening to a podcast that just rambles on? We’ve been there too. This usually happens when podcasters don’t use a podcast outline to give their episodes structure and direction. A well-crafted outline is your secret weapon against boredom. If you’re struggling to create your own podcast outline, worry not! We’ve got you covered with templates and tips to help you craft your own engaging podcast outline.

Podcast Outline Templates

Ready to get started? Here are some podcast outline templates for different types of podcasts:

Solo Podcast Template

  1. Introduction
    • A hook to create intrigue
    • Greeting
    • Podcast name and episode number
    • Brief episode summary
    • Personal anecdote or hook
  2. Topic Introduction
    • Introduction to the main topic
    • Importance of the topic
    • What listeners can expect to learn
  3. Main Content
    • Point 1
      • Explanation
      • Examples or stories
    • Point 2
      • Explanation
      • Examples or stories
    • Point 3
      • Explanation
      • Examples or stories
  4. Interlude (Optional)
    • Sponsor message or ad
    • Short break with music
  5. Additional Points
    • Point 4 (if any)
      • Explanation
      • Examples or stories
    • Point 5 (if any)
      • Explanation
      • Examples or stories
  6. Conclusion
    • Recap of main points
    • Final thoughts
    • Call to action (e.g., subscribe, leave a review, visit website)
    • Teaser for next episode
  7. Sign-off
    • Thank listeners
    • Social media handles or contact information
    • Goodbye message

Freestyle Podcast Outline Template

  1. Introduction
    • Greeting
    • Podcast name and episode number
    • Brief mention of today’s loose topic or theme
  2. Opening Monologue
    • Personal update or story
    • Initial thoughts on the day’s topic
  3. Main Freestyle Discussion
    • Stream of consciousness on the topic
    • Personal anecdotes
    • Tangents and side stories
    • Spontaneous thoughts and opinions
  4. Interlude (Optional)
    • Sponsor message or ad
    • Short break with music
  5. Continuation of Freestyle Discussion
    • Addressing listener feedback or questions (if any)
    • Further musings on the topic
    • Random thoughts or off-topic chatter
  6. Conclusion
    • Recap of the discussion
    • Final thoughts
    • Call to action (e.g., subscribe, leave a review, visit website)
  7. Sign-off
    • Thank listeners
    • Social media handles or contact information
    • Goodbye message

Podcast with a Co-Host Template

  1. Introduction
    • Greeting
    • Podcast name and episode number
    • Co-host introductions
    • Brief episode summary
  2. Topic Introduction
    • Overview of the main topic
    • Importance of the topic
    • What listeners can expect to learn
  3. Main Discussion
    • Point 1
      • Co-host 1’s thoughts
      • Co-host 2’s thoughts
      • Discussion/debate
    • Point 2
      • Co-host 1’s thoughts
      • Co-host 2’s thoughts
      • Discussion/debate
    • Point 3
      • Co-host 1’s thoughts
      • Co-host 2’s thoughts
      • Discussion/debate
  4. Interlude (Optional)
    • Sponsor message or ad
    • Short break with music
  5. Additional Discussion
    • Point 4 (if any)
      • Co-host 1’s thoughts
      • Co-host 2’s thoughts
      • Discussion/debate
    • Point 5 (if any)
      • Co-host 1’s thoughts
      • Co-host 2’s thoughts
      • Discussion/debate
  6. Conclusion
    • Recap of main points
    • Final thoughts from both co-hosts
    • Call to action (e.g., subscribe, leave a review, visit website)
    • Teaser for next episode
  7. Sign-off
    • Thank listeners
    • Social media handles or contact information
    • Goodbye message from both co-hosts

Interview Podcast Template

  1. Introduction
    • Greeting
    • Podcast name and episode number
    • Introduction of the guest
    • Brief episode summary
  2. Guest Introduction
    • Guest’s background and credentials
    • Why the guest is on the show
    • Personal anecdote or hook
  3. Main Interview
    • Question 1
      • Guest’s response
      • Follow-up questions
    • Question 2
      • Guest’s response
      • Follow-up questions
    • Question 3
      • Guest’s response
      • Follow-up questions
  4. Interlude (Optional)
    • Sponsor message or ad
    • Short break with music
  5. Continued Interview
    • Question 4 (if any)
      • Guest’s response
      • Follow-up questions
    • Question 5 (if any)
      • Guest’s response
      • Follow-up questions
  6. Conclusion
    • Recap of main points
    • Guest’s final thoughts
    • Call to action (e.g., subscribe, leave a review, visit website)
  7. Sign-off
    • Thank the guest
    • Thank listeners
    • Social media handles or contact information
    • Goodbye message

Tutorial Podcast Outline Template

  1. Introduction
    • Greeting
    • Podcast name and episode number
    • Brief episode summary
    • Importance of the tutorial topic
  2. Topic Introduction
    • What the tutorial will cover
    • Necessary materials or prerequisites
    • Expected outcome or skills learned
  3. Step-by-Step Tutorial
    • Step 1
      • Detailed explanation
      • Tips or tricks
    • Step 2
      • Detailed explanation
      • Tips or tricks
    • Step 3
      • Detailed explanation
      • Tips or tricks
  4. Interlude (Optional)
    • Sponsor message or ad
    • Short break with music
  5. Continued Tutorial
    • Step 4 (if any)
      • Detailed explanation
      • Tips or tricks
    • Step 5 (if any)
      • Detailed explanation
      • Tips or tricks
  6. Conclusion
    • Recap of steps
    • Final tips or advice
    • Call to action (e.g., subscribe, leave a review, visit website)
  7. Sign-off
    • Thank listeners
    • Social media handles or contact information
    • Goodbye message

Feel free to adapt these templates to suit your specific needs and style!

Podcast Outline vs. Podcast Script

The key difference between a podcast script and a podcast outline is precision. A podcast script is word-for-word what needs to be said, while a podcast outline is a structured way of organizing talking points.

Why Is a Podcast Outline Important?

Here are four reasons a podcast outline is essential:

  1. Eliminates Redundancy: Ensures you’re not repeating yourself.
  2. Provides Structure: Helps your episode flow smoothly from one segment to the next.
  3. Maintains Natural Flow: Supports spontaneity, making you sound more natural and less like you’re reading from a script.
  4. Establishes Direction: Helps guide the conversation, especially in interview-based podcasts, preventing aimless chatter.
  5. Achieves Goals: A well-crafted outline can engage listeners and integrate sponsor messages seamlessly.

How to Create An Outline

Follow these tips to create a podcast outline:

  1. Note Down Everything You Want to Talk About
    • Brainstorm all the points you want to cover without worrying about order. Include your intro, outro, CTAs, and any ads. If you’re interviewing a guest for an episode and want inspiration on what to ask them, check out our blog on 150 unique interview questions.
  2. Arrange Them in a Desirable Structure
    • Organize your brainstormed points into a cohesive structure. This will help you see the overall flow of your episode.
  3. Note Down Points for Each Section
    • Jot down key points you want to discuss under each section. This can help you refine your outline and ensure all subtopics are logically grouped.


You’re now ready to create a rock-solid podcast outline that keeps your listeners engaged and helps you produce natural, flowing episodes.

Once you’re done with your outline, you can use the Hubhopper Recorder and Editor (in-built into our podcast hosting, distribution, management, and analytics tool) to produce an engaging episode

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